Фотографии пользователя Anisiia Artemova

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Не принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: 1 день назад

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  • 31 отзыв 20 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, Russian; изучает English, Spanish
  • 35, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2011
  • explore
  • I'm studying at the faculty of liberal arts and sciences ...
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне


"I keep running around
Trying to find the ground
But my head is in the stars
And my feet are in the sky
Well I'm
Nobody's baby
I'm everybody's girl
I'm the queen of nothing
I'm the king
Of the world"

(First Aid Kit)

UPDATE: After Russia started a disgusting and absurd war with Ukraine on Feb 24, I decided to leave that country (Russia) I don't have any values in common with, for Georgia.
If you support the war in Ukraine, please don't contact me.

This part is years old but I guess it still says the truth about me:
I love life to death :) I feel it every moment and by every piece of my being, therefore my time is very precious to me, as my inner peace. Freedom is my dearest value, I always get rid of evething that puts it in danger, and that's why I still don't have a well-paid job and still figuring out what I want to do in the future. I'm passionate about many things, that's why it's hard to choose and concentrate on something. Art in many forms is one of the greatest interests, and also I'm always curious about how our brain works, what we are and what this world is at all, what religion means to the humanity, etc, etc. I love music and I feel very connected to nature. I love good sense of humor, creativity, I really appreciate intelligence, open mind and kindness. I travel on my own sometimes, sometimes with a company, and sometimes by hitchhiking. I always crave adventure. I'm very open minded, and very interested in other cultures and worldviews. I respect individuality and I believe in open conversation, honesty, and letting each other grow from who we truly are. Growing in this direction is the most beautiful thing I think. I believe we always know deep inside what we are and can feel it, so we just need to let it evolve. And there no rules for that.
There is much more I'd like to say, but no time, I gotta prepare for the new journey! :)

I don’t smoke (weed too)
I don’t drink alcohol (but I enjoy life as if I’m drunk so no need for that anyway)
I used to be vegetarian but currently am not. I still respect veganism though.
I’m naturally quite an owl but I’m changing it cause I love waking up early.
None of it puts any pressure on you obviously :)
I'm very tolerant to others' preferences and expect the same in return.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing


Somebody told me


I lOVE couchsurfing! I'm so greateful to it. I met so many amazing people through it, learned English, had so much amazing experience, and I'm looking forward to what's about to come.
I hosted, surfed and met many people on couchsurfing meetings. I don’t host right now but some day I might do it again.


so much!! the list is growing. Art, music, acting, science, anthropology, philosophy, new technology, VR, TV shows, NATURE, travel, human rights, food from all over the world (I especially love Asian), fantasy, humans, non humans, myself, languages, connection, freedom, adventure, water (I love to swim), warm wind, games, humor, etc, etc, etc

  • singing
  • flying
  • music
  • hiking
  • swimming
  • hitchhiking
  • nature
  • english
  • freedom
  • dance
  • sea
  • ocean
  • deep conversations
  • asian food
  • honesty
  • feelings

Музыка, кино и книги

Series: "Bear” (new love), “Friends", "Game of Thrones", "The Walking Dead", "Misfits", "The Good Wife", "The OA" (all time favorite), "The Stranger Things"
Movies: "The Fifth Element", "Lost in Translation", "Aliens", "Annihilation", 'Hunger Games", "Capernaum" etc
Music: indie, indie-pop, pop, folk, country, disco, blues, electro pop, alternative, J-pop and pop rock, deep house, funk, jazz, Latin, samba, African percussion, Afrojazz, contemporary R&B, minimalism, baroque, soundtracks... for example Billie Eilish, Fever Ray, Zola Jesus, HVOB, the Daughter, the XX, Sigur Ros, James Brown, Herbie Hancock, Tyler the Creator, Jessie Reyez, Dodie, Son Lux, Steve Reich, VNV Nation, Radiohead, the Depeche Mode, Mac Miller, Gaidaa, etc...
Books: To Kill The Mockingbird by Harper Lee, FANTASY, Out Of Love by Hazel Hayes, Americanah, Home Is Not A Country, Desert Flower, don't read that much but would like to read more

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

Everything you do can feels amazing if you feel like it's a great challenge. To me quite a challenge was (and is) to travel by hitchhiking on my own, for example, or finishing my first university year finally felt quite epic (after many years of not studying). And just every time when I feel like I develop, change, widen my horizons.

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

I can teach you some piano and music theory, can help you with improving speaking and writing English skills, can tell you about my hitchhiking and couchsurfing experience, to share walks and swims and music and dance and loving nature with you.

I'd love to learn to play drums and to improve my piano skills, to sing (it has been my dream), to dance salsa, waacking, house dance and more, to do headstands and cartwheel, to do paraflying or surfing or other sports involving flying or riding on the water, to drive, to speak Spanish, to cook Asian food, to do acting, creative writing, screenswriting, to ride horses (not that sure about this one though)… And probably a lot more.

And of course, I'd love to learn about you, your perspectives, your interests, your feelings and thoughts. I’m open and straightforward mostly, I like people with whom I can talk about anything freely, even the most personal stuff.

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

My company, talks, and I can help you with something if you need, just let me know. I would love to join you to your favorite places or explore new places with you. Places and events I love the most are parks and natural resorts, lakes and seashore and everything with water, restaurants with cuisine from all over the world (love Thai and Asian generally and wanna try African, such as Ghanaian and Nigerian), places with live music, peoples’ homes. What I don't like is partying in night clubs.

I can draw your portrait and play piano for you :) (I'm not a professional, but I'm learning to do it)

Где я побывал(-а)

Armenia, Belarus, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United States

Где я жил(-а)

Georgia, Russian Federation, United States

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